April 24, 2020— AlphaRank Top Stocks for April represents Accelerate's predictive equity ranking according to its proprietary multi-factor model. (more…)
April 23, 2020– In Replicating Private Equity with Liquid Public Securities, learn how investors can attain private equity-like returns without the illiquidity, high investment minimums, poor transparency and high fees of traditional private equity. (more…)
April 22, 2020 - Nearly 2,000 years ago, the ancient Roman writer Pliny the Elder first wrote that ostriches, when threatened, would bury their heads in the sand in an ill-advised attempt to hide from potential predators. (more…)
April 15, 2020 - Billionaire Investor Warren Buffett once stated, “Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day. Teach a man to arbitrage and you will feed him forever.” Notably, Warren Buffett earned a 53% rate of return from…
April 13, 2020—The Fed Announces Unprecedented $2.4 Trillion in Loans to Support Local Businesses and Governments. What are the Implications of This Massive Stimulus? (more…)
April 9, 2020 - The coronavirus pandemic continued to wreak havoc on both communities and markets during the month of March. Investor fear reached an unprecedented level, (more…)
April 7, 2020—In Merger Arbitrage: A Strategy for Consistent Returns, you will learn how merger arbitrage can improve risk-adjusted returns in your clients’ portfolios and how it presents a generational buying opportunity that is perhaps even greater than that of 2008-2009. (more…)
Want to learn about the investment strategies and techniques used by hedge fund managers to beat the market? Download Reminiscences of a Hedge Fund Operator by investor, Julian Klymochko